I have been warned that there are two special reasons why many du'âs offered in the last noble Ramadhan for the salâmat and salvation of Ahl al-Sunnah have not appeared to be explicitly accepted for now.

First Reason: A strange characteristic of this age is {NOTE: That is, although they know the qualities of diamond, Muslims prefer glass to it.} the extraordinary gullibility of the people of Islam in this age, their generously forgiving the terrifying criminals and showing a kind of support to such a man who performs one good deed and commits thousands of evils and destroys the ma’nawî and material rights of the ‘abds of Allah, if they see a single good deed from that man. In this way, the people of dhalâlah and rebellion, who are a small minority, create the majority with the support of such gullible people; they cause qadar to judge for the continuation and retention of general calamity, which happens as a consequence of the wrongdoing of the majority, and even its deterioration; they say, “This is what we deserve.” Yes, only if there is an absolute dharûrah; Sharî’ah gives rukhsah to prefer the glass (such as this world and property) to the diamond (such as the âkhirah and îmân) provided that the diamond is recognised and accepted as a diamond. Otherwise, if it is preferred due to a minor need or desire or greed and slight fear, it is foolish ignorance and a loss that makes the one who prefers it deserve a slap. As for forgiving generously, one can only forgive the crime committed against himself. He has the right to forgo his personal rights but does not have the right to look forgivingly at criminals who transgress the rights of others; he will become an accomplice to the dhulm.


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